CV for Lone Løvschal
Born in Roskilde, Danmark, 1976
2004 MA, Royal College of Art, London
2001 Apprentice certificate at Georg Jensen Silversmiths, Copenhagen
2020 - Oldermand for Copenhagen Goldsmiths Guild
2007 - Own shop, workshop and studio in Copenhagen
2010 - Freelance product development for Trollbeads, Copenhagen
2006 - 07 Design assistant for Kim Buck, Copenhagen
2006 Freelance product development for Georg Jensen Damask, Kolding
2005 Freelance product development for Oneida International, England
2003 - Member of Danish Silversmiths
2001 - 06 Member and co-owner of Galerie Metal, Copenhagen
Selected exhibitions
2017 'Connected', Group exhibition in Copenhagen, Munich and Glasgow
2016 ‘Danske Sølvsmede’, Skovhuset, Værløse
2014 ‘Hammerslået’, Koldinghus, Denmark
2012 ’Spån’, Løvschal, Copenhagen
2012 ’Vand og Brød’, Danske Sølvsmede, Galleri Montan, Copenhagen
2011 ’Tout Ce Qui Brille’, The Copenhagen Guild of Goldsmiths, Mons, Belgium
2011 ’Dedikeret Sølv’, Danske Sølvsmede, Koldinghus
2011 ’Lækkerier’, Danske Sølvsmede, Grønbechs Gaard, Bornholm
2011 ’Collect’, Scottish Gallery, London
2010 ’Objects of Light’ Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhagen
2009 ’Poetry in Silver’, Schoonhoven, Holland
2008 ’Treassure hunt’ Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhagen
2008 ‘Suppe, Steg og Is’, Grønbechs Gaard, Bornholm
2008 Galleri LOD, Stockholm
2007 Danish Silversmiths, Koldinghus, Denmark
2006+07′ COLLECT’, Six Danish Silversmiths, V&A museum, London
2006 Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh
2006 ‘Contemporary Silver Forms’, Eblana Gallery, Dublin
2004 ‘New Designers’, Business Design Centre, London
2004 14. Silbertriennale, Hanau
2003 Danske Sølvsmede, Galerie Boye, Aarhus
2006 ’Origin’, London Crafts Fair, London
2005 ‘The Watkins Era’, Contemporary Applied Arts, London
2005+06 ‘SOFA’, New York and Chicago
2005 ‘Talente’, München
2004 ’14. Silbertriennale’, Hanau
2002 ’Leppels/Spoons’, Galerie Ra, Amsterdam
2009 Ole Haslunds Hæderslegat
2005 + 08 + 17 Statens Kunstfond, workgrant
2007 + 23 Silversmith Ausa Regitze Tilly’s grant
2006 Sct. Loye Award, The Copenhagen Guild of Goldsmiths
2004 The Worshipful Company of Armourers and Braziers Award for innovative use of silver, London
2003 Runner up in “Young Designer Silversmiths Award”, Goldsmiths Hall, London
2003 Commended in “The Craftsmanship & Design Awards Goldsmiths Craft and Design Council, London
2002 Silver medal, “Kunsthåndværkerprisen af 1879”
2001 Copenhagen Goldsmiths Society”s Silver Medal for completed apprenticeship.
Purchased by
Council of Exeter, present for Queen Elisabeth
Statens Kunstfond
Kunstindustrimuseet, København
The collection at the museum of Koldinghus, Kolding
The collection at the Royal College of Art London
Kunstforeningen af 14. august, Copenhagen
Ny Carlsbergfondet